18 December 2010

Ad. Bonaparte's gull (L. philadelphia). 18-12-10

Ad. Bonaparte's gull (L. philadelphia). 18-12-10. This is almost sure the same bird from last winter (6-1-10). Pictures from last year are available in the blog (use labels in the right to find the last year pictures). This bird was found the day 16-12-10 in the fishing harbour and has been seen today in the boat trip off Tarragona


  1. Uau... enhorabona! Quina enveja...

  2. Eres un fiera. 2ª bonaparte que sacas en Tarragona.
    Como dure un poco me acerco por alli
    Un abrazo de Ricardo Rodríguez

  3. A veure si aguanta pel cens de gener! ;-)
