1 w Herring/Cantabric Yellow-legged gull (L. argentatus/michahellis lusitanius). 06-04-09. Txingudi. Guipuzkoa. Euskal Herria. In spite I find many problems with first winter cantabric YLG and HG, it looks too pale overall to be a YLG, specially in the scapulars.
1 w Caspian looking gull (Larus sp.), 06-04-09. Txingudi. Guipuzkoa. Euskal HerriaThe same individual than the previous and next post. Flight shots show active primary moult.
1 w Caspian looking gull (Larus sp.), 06-04-09. Txingudi. Guipuzkoa. Euskal Herria. A patterned individual in lesser coverts, scapulars and uppertail coverts. It's the same individual than the next 2 posts up in the blog.
Maybe it's not a typical caspian but in my opinion most things match.
Thanks to Tarragona Harbour Authority for acces allowance
Gulls in Catalonia Gavines a Catalunya Gaviotas en Cataluña
This blog is just a place to post the pictures of the gulls we're seeing during our gullwatching in Catalonia, but mainly at Tarragona and surroundings.
Enjoy the pictures, criticize the identification and ageing if needed and we all will learn much more about it!